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About us

From startups to enterprises, discover how Webantic are building the software of tomorrow for today's businesses.

Capable, reliable, honest.

At Webantic, we strive to bridge the gap between businesses and technology. Our team consists of service and interactive designers, project managers and developers who are all passionate about building great software.

We architect solutions to complex challenges based on research and evidence. We are able to deliver sophisticated, purposeful systems through collaboration and obsessive objectivity that add real value to users.


Founded in 2011, Webantic has grown year-on-year through the dedication of our founding members: Luke and Calvin and the combined efforts of our world-class team.

From humble beginnings, we now boast a ten strong core team and offices in Spinningfields, Manchester.


We have a collaborative, inclusive culture, driven by curiosity and a passion for innovation. Being a fairly small team puts us in the fortunate position of being able to encourage ownership and autonomy at all levels. This creates a challenging, quality-focused team where everyone has a say.

We're stridently anti-outsourcing and complete 100% of every project in-house. This solidifies our ability to ensure every aspect of a project is in-line with the customer and our shared vision.

We're always on the lookout for individuals that align with our values. If you feel like you'd be a good fit check out our current vacancies.

Calvin Software Consultant


Luke Software Consultant


Georgia Web Developer

Quality Assurance

Amy Account Manager

Account Management

Andy Software Development

Frontend Lead

Kirsty Software Consultant

Business Development

Carl Software Devops

Backend Lead & Devops

Zoe Software Designer

Interactive Design

Joe App Developer

Frontend Development

Matt App Designer

Interactive/Service Design

Yee Software Developer

Frontend Development

Josh Software Project Manager

Project Administration

Joel Software Development

Backend Development

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