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Visual Designer

Posted 5th January, 2017

40 hours/week

Webantic are an award-winning cloud software consultancy based in Manchester. From designing customer engagement strategies and service and experience design to architecting technical solutions in response to complex problems, our objective is to help clients navigate the commercial challenges of user-centric application design and build.

We have a smart and creative environment, driven by honesty and collaboration. We take a dynamic, agile approach that enables us to be responsive to client and customer needs.

The Role

The role requires a creative mindset coupled with experience designing services and products across various platforms and screens. You’ll have great design skills, a keen eye for detail and your work will show an understanding of the needs of the user and display a logical, clear thought-process.

Role Requirements

Webantic Values

At Webantic we only hire people who embody (and can demonstrate thus) our values. While it might seem cheesy, our values are core to everything we do and we consider them to be one of the most important indicators of a candidate’s suitability when hiring.