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4 Manchester Startups we're proud to work with

Posted by Luke Grimes on 15th September, 2017

Over the years, Webantic has built countless digital products that have disrupted the markets they operate in. Our role as a software development agency gives us a unique insight into newcomers on the Manchester startup scene, some of which we’re fortunate enough to work with.

To give you a glimpse into the kind of projects our team have a hand in, here’s a brief introduction to four startups that Webantic is proud to support:

1. ShinDigger

ShinDigger Brewing Co is the brainchild of two ex-Manchester University students, who invested in a home-brewing kit during their studies. The company is paving the way for taste experimentation: successes so far include mango, coffee and watermelon craft beers.

In four years, ShinDigger has gone from selling a handful of party drinks to more than 50,000 pints a month, supplying bars and restaurants in Manchester and beyond. As their brewery expands, we’ve had the pleasure of building an ‘Uber-style’ beer delivery app that delivers fresh beer straight to your door.

2. Legista

People often face delays, red tape and spiralling costs when trying to access a legal service. Legista is on the cusp of changing this issue forever. As their partners, we’re in the process of developing an application that’ll connect users to a legal advisor when they need it, in a matter of minutes.

The Legista app, when launched, is going to remove all the obstacles to hiring a lawyer, solicitor or legal claims professional. Users will have a direct channel to their services, and be able to view each option before committing to a solution.

3. usecure

Cybercrime is a massive talking point – £29bn was wiped from UK businesses in 2016, either through malicious attacks or staff misconduct. Usecure aims to eliminate this threat; its interactive training platform makes it easy for organisations to educate their workforce.

With many learning aids to explore – including GAP analysis tools and phishing simulations – there’s every reason to try Usecure for yourself, whatever sector you’re in. The software even tracks user progress, so you can identify and monitor any cracks in your IT culture.

4. app2vox

Communication can present a real challenge for non-verbal people, such as those with autism, their family and their carers. They can, however, use App2vox, which presents a series of drag-and-drop picture cards to simplify and enhance communication.

Webantic made the software bright, clear and accessible for launch, streamlining the features and eliminating bugs in the system. The dashboard makes the interface intuitive to navigate, while giving the carer a snapshot view of how the ‘speaker’ is behaving.

Manchester is brimming with exciting startups at the moment. We love meeting people who are sitting on a new idea, and exploring whether it’s a viable concept for a digital product.

Got an idea of your own? Take a look at our latest case studies to see our work in action, or contact us to arrange a chat with the team.

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