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The Vision.

Prevention is better than Cure

Cyber attacks on businesses in the UK alone cost investors £42bn a year with 31% of these cases being as a result of phising/malware and 37% as a result of human error. This real, serious threat presented an opportuinity for a company like Usecure.

Usecure set out to to prevent breaches and compomises by giving managers more visbility over potential vulnerabilities in their workforce and providing education to make employees safer and more resillient to threats.

The initial phase of the project was to build a "phishing simulator" that would allow users to create spoof phishing emails and see which of their employees gave away sensitive information.

Initial architecture diagram

The Build.

Creating a white hat phishing tool

We wanted to create a tool that emulated the sophistication of real-world phishing emails without creating something which could legitimately be used by bad actors to actually phish people. We achieved this by recreating account pages and emails from popular online services whilst making sure the pages themselves only reported what information had been given without actually recording the information itself.

Expanding the product

Once we had launched the phishing tool and accompanying reporting. The next major release was focused on building a fully-features suite of e-learning tools to provide security awareness training.

Usecure came up with the concept of ASAP: automated security awareness training. The idea of which was to allow companies to specify their training or risk objectives and for the system to automatically plan and run a robust, effective training program.

Visualising the data

With all this activity happenning automatically in the background, robust reporting was essential to allow managers to keep track and monitor improvements.

We created a series of specialised reports, each with the ability to "dig down" into the data as well as a flexible custom report creation tool and spreadsheet export.

Looking forward

It's been a fantastic first year for Usecure with some major clients already on board such as Manchester college and Novus Property Solutions.

Moving ahead there's still so many exciting features planned for Usecure and we can't wait to help them as they continue to build on the platform.

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